Föreningen ATMP Sweden is on it’s way!


Join us to support the communication and coordination of Swedish ATMP

The next steps in building Föreningen ATMP Sweden are now under way! Following the formalities of the start up meeting the 8th of March, the interimsstyrelse held the inaugural meeting (konstituerande möte) and registering the organisation with Skatteverket.

The förening has on the 22nd of May 2023 received its organisation number!! 802543-4195 now confirms the legal status of Föreningen ATMP Sweden. Efforts are now underway to secure a bank account.

In the meantime, the interimstyrelse is still receiving interest for membership in the organization. Individuals from 86 independent organizations have expressed interest in membership of this organisation. Individuals and organisations that register interest in membership through this link will be invited to attend and vote at the AGM to be called by the interimsstyrelse late June 2023. This is also the form where we are receiving interest in participating in member run working groups in different ATMP expert areas.

Please register your/Company’s/Organisation’s interest in Föreningen ATMP membership through the following link (including interest to join expert working groups);


The legal entity Föreningen ATMP Sweden will in time be responsible for the ATMP Sweden communication platforms and events. This will include the signing of legal agreements and bill paying. The extra bonus of Föreningen ATMP Sweden will be formalisation of our already well established network and match making functions to partner capabilities in Sweden and internationally.

At ATMP Sweden, we thank everyone for efforts so far in building up this wonderful platform, it is the projects that have made this possible. We look forward to working inclusively with the Swedish ATMP network to build and implement new medicines while paying heed to the economic development necessary for patient access.

The start up meeting was a follow on from the information meeting the 15th of February 2023. Formation of Föreningen ATMP Sweden is part of the ATMP2030 project Sustainable continuation initiated January 2021.

På Svenska:

De nästa stegen för att bygga Föreningen ATMP Sweden är nu igång! Efter formaliteterna på startmötet den 8 mars kommer interimsstyrelsen att börja planera föreningens kommande medlemsmöte, ansöka om organisationsnummer och skaffa ett bankkonto. Därefter kan föreningen börja samla in de medlemsavgifter som bestäms vid det kommande medlemsmötet.

Fram till dess välkomnar interimsstyrelsen intresseanmälningar om medlemskap. Personer från 86 olika organisationer har redan uttryckt intresse om medlemskap i föreningen. Vi vill understryka att företag och organisationer som skall representeras som formella medlemmar av ATMP Sweden behöver söka separat medlemskap via eget organisationsnummer.

Du samt din organisation/företag kan anmäla ditt intresse för medlemskap på följande länk (inklusive intresse att delta i expertarbetsgrupper):
