Find recordings for ATMP relevant events run by Apotekarsocieteten! Inklusiv;
- ATMP-centra – varför, hur och var? 23 november 2021
- ATMP: From research to GMP 22 september 2021
- Utvärdering och betalning av högt prissatta läkemedel – TLV presenterar sin nya rapport 7 juni 2021
- ATMP för patientens bästa – hur värderar vi risker och möjligheter? 23 februari 2021
Find recorded content from ATMP Sweden Youtube Channel.
The following is a summary of the videos we have uploaded and you will be able to find any updates here also.
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Challenges in development of Cell Gene Therapy Products ATMPs – Intellectual Property Do’s and Don’t. What to do, what not to do and what support is available? This is what you will get from this webinar on patentability and IP related to ATMPs. Presented by Joanna Applequist, European Patent Attorney; Ylva Wikmark, Patent Attorney; and Senior Attorney at Law Louise Jonshammar from AWA Sweden and hosted by NextCell Pharma’s CEO Mathias Svahn will discuss some of the tricks to protecting your ATMP IP and the ’what would have been good to have knowns’ that will set you on the right track to a viable commercial model.
The CAMP project ”Expansion of GMP Compliant Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) in Xuri bioreactor” presents an update of results in their project. Stina Wickström (Karolinska Institutet), Katrin Markland (Vecura) and Bill Shingleton (Cytiva) present results on production and use of Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes for clinical use against malignant melanoma. Treatment of metastatic malignant melanoma patients, who no longer responded to other types of cancer treatment, with Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) and Dendritic Cells (DCs) has shown long term survival and remission with three severely ill patients in complete or near complete remission of the cancer. Presentation slides can be found on their project page.
NextGenNK gives an update on the world leading research and product development activities going on within the Competence Center. The Center is coordinated by Karolinska Institutet and collaborates with the Karolinska University Hospital and prominent national and international industrial partners towards development of next generation NK cell-based cancer immunotherapies. Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren presents here the history of NK cell research and product development in Sweden as well as our goals for the future. Find out more on their website.
The Swelife-ATMP project SDP4 ”Opportunities and challenges for Sweden to become internationally leading in the field of gene therapy” present their final report including needs and initiatives towards connecting Sweden’s strong position with small companies to the manufacture capbilities they need to succeed in bringing their therapies to patients. Hear from project lead and Medical Advisor at Pfizer, Christian Gerdesköld, Linnea Enstedt and Jim Lund from the Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) and Karin Agerman from the leading Gene Therapy company in the Nordics, Combigene. The project has produced a final report that is available on their project page.
The Swelife-ATMP project SDP5 (SWECARNET) introduces CAR-T development and implementation in Sweden and then interviews Sweden’s first CAR T patient and Gunilla Enblad, the first physician in Europe to treat a patient with CAR T, a medicine developed in her laboratory. Listen to hear patient perspectives on the implementation and use of CAR T and discussion between Stephan Mielke and Gunilla on the challenges of CAR T implementation and where energy and attention must be invested.
The Swelife-ATMP project SDP5 (SWECARNET) discusses their activities as Sweden’s National cancer network towards driving solutions for implementation of CAR T immunotherapy treatments for cancer in Sweden and future challenges. Stephan Mielke from Karolinska Hospital explains the progression of cancer treatments and the progress made in the 20 years since discovery of ’T bodies’ in Israel to the gene/cell therapy product CAR T. Why was Sweden so early to develop a CAR T, invented the third generation CAR T and treating the first patient in Sweden in 2014, and yet is falling behind in bringing CAR Ts to standard of care? SWECARNET is driving implementation of CAR T by building a National network of investigators, physicians/healthcare, patients/families/care givers, industry/companies and authorities/regulators to support both development of CAR T and adoption into standard of care.
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