SWECARNET is an open network of key representatives in the Swedish CAR T field from academia, healthcare, and industry working towards knowledge exchange and development of standardized processes for CAR T delivery and follow-up. SWECARNET’s central goal is to implement gene-modified immune effector cell therapy, such as CAR T, so that patients in need, and likely to benefit, get access to new treatments through clinical trials or as standard of care treatment independent of where they are living in the country. The SWECARNET network is a continuation of the Swelife-ATMP SDP5 project.
Coordinator: Karolinska Institutet
Partners: Uppsala Universitet, Karolinska University Hospital, Akademiska University Hospital, Skånes Universitetssjukhuset, Lunds Universitet, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborgs Universitet, Linköpings Universitetssjukhus, Linköpings Universitet, Lif – De forskande läkemedelsföretagen, Novartis, BMS, Gilead, Janssen
- National Coordination to increase competence by collective knowledge exchange
- Establishing a multicenter biobank and collection of information on short- and long-term outcome
- Assessing value-based health care
- Providing tools for decision-making
- Establishing hospital-based production of 3rd generation CAR T cells
- Implementing CAR T cells in standard of care
- Coordination, project management and communication
- SWECARNET spin-off projects
Contact: Hanna Sjölund
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Read more about the founding of the SWECARNET network in the Swelife-ATMP project.