- About ATMPs
- Accomodation
- ATMP development
- Resources
- ATMP regulatory guide
- Commercial aspects
- Funding opportunities
- Patent/IP support
- Published content
- Reports
- Training opportunities
- Swedish ATMP
- Resources
- ATMP Innovation Milieu
- ATMP Sweden
- About us
- Current initiatives
- AI for ATMP
- ATMP2030
- Approach
- CAMP Organisation
- CAMP Projects
- Amniotic derived cell therapy
- Artery regeneration
- Automated manufacturing
- CAR-T for melanoma
- Extracellular vesicles
- GMP pluripotent derivatives
- HQ plasmid production
- Label-free sorting
- Logistics cookbook
- Magnetic Isolation
- Mesenchymal Stromal Cells
- Pre-GMP facility
- QC and logistics
- Single cell qPCR
- Tissue-Engineered Skin
- Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes
- Value survey
- Vecura Manufacture
- Vesicles for RNA delivery
- Urethra reconstruction
- CAMP Partners
- Doctoral program
- GeneNova
- IndiCell
- NextGenNK
- Finalized initiatives
- ATMP Sweden
- ATMP world tour 2021
- Conferences
- Contact
- Cookie Policy
- Events
- Opportunities in Sweden
- Organising group
- Pluripotent satellite
- Program
- Program
- Program
- Program
- Program 7 november Flemingsberg
- Program 8 november Aula Medica
- Program development
- Quotes
- Registration links
- Related content-teasers
- Sahlgrenska Hospital ATMP-centre
- sitemap
- Sponsors
- Sponsorship
- Sponsorship
- Sponsorship
- Ställ frågor till panelen via Menti – Aula Medica 8/11
- Swelife-ATMP
- Talarpresentationer
- Teasers!
- Uppsala local symposia
- Welcome to ATMP Sweden!
- What talks are relevant to me?
- ATMP Sweden 2019 Gothenburg
- Program
- ATMP Sweden 2020 virtual
- Sponsorship
- EU competitiveness in ATMP – live stream
- Ambassadors kit
- World tour recordings
- ATMP2030 partner area
- CAMP partner area
- Branding/slides
- Branding/slides
- Vinnova reporting
- What’s behind the login
Inlägg per kategori
- Kategori: Conference
- Kategori: Course
- Kategori: Föreningsmöte
- Kategori: Press Release
- Kategori: Public Forum
- Kategori: Seminar
- Kategori: Training
- Kategori: Uncategorized
- Kategori: Workshop
- EU Competitiveness in ATMP - physical attendance
- Challenges in the development and manufacturing of ATMPs
- ATMP – På väg mot framtidens sjukvård
- Uppstartsmöte - Föreningen ATMP Sweden
- ATMP Sweden 2023 Uppsala!
- ATMP World tour 2023 + EU competitiveness in ATMP
- Kliniska studier av ATMP – utmaningar och möjligheter
- It's time to make ATMP Sweden official!
- Lund Stem Cell Center | 20th Anniversary Conference
- Cell Therapy Insights: Translation and Production
- Webbinarier - ATMP och IVDR
- Avancerade terapier – Region Skånes ambitioner
- TATAA & TriLink nucleic acid seminar
- Kan vi riva hindren för nya betalningsmodeller för ATMP?
- Klinisk prövning av läkemedel med GMO
- Lansering av ATMP2030
- CAMP + IndiCell pluripotent stem cell tour
- ATMP World Tour 2022
- ATMP i pipeline och i vården - Aktuell lägesbild
- SWECARNET Utbildningsdag 2022
- ATMP-centra – varför, hur och var?
- The do's and dont's of IP
- ATMP: From research to GMP
- ATMP Sweden 2022 Stockholm
- Läkemedelsverket Webbinarium ATMP
- Utvärdering och betalning av högt prissatta läkemedel
- Framtidens system för läkemedel
- ATMP och andra revolutionerande läkemedel på marknaden
- Utbildningsdag för CAR T
- ATMP Sweden 2021
- ATMP World Tour 2021
- ATMP för patientens bästa
- CAMP/TILs project presentation
- Användning av CAR T och ATMP på KUH
- Läkemedelsutmaningar med ATMP studier
- Betalningsmodeller för ATMP – vad händer?
- Concept guide for research towards advanced therapies
- ATMP Sweden 2020 virtual
- Manufacturing of Gene Therapy Products in Sweden
- Innovationsvecka - Cancervård och ATMP
- Gemensam målsättning för CAR T i Sverige
- What are ATMPs webinar
- Flemingsberg ATMP network NK cell symposia
- Process and product characterization of ATMPs
- Pre-GMP facility inauguration workshop!
- Är Sverige redo att använda ATMP för sjuka barn?
- Open meeting: Business models and health economics
- AdBIOPRO Workshop 2019 - Bioproduction of Therapeutic Biologics in Stockholm.
- Risk assessment in ATMP
- AdBIOPRO Bioreactor Course
- Finance and partnerships to build an ATMP
- ATMP – hälsoekonomi och vårdens ekonomi
- Advanced bioreactor cultivation technology
- GU Clinical trials course
- ATMPs in cancer care
- Workshop on ATMP Process Development and Production
- Regelverket kring ATMP
- Seminar on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
- ATMP - A game changer in medicine?
- From bench to bedside
- ATMP Sweden 2018 Lund
- ATMPs at NLSdays 2019
- ATMP Sweden 2019
- Course in GMP for ATMP
News Articles
- ARM and ATMP Sweden co-host 'EU competitiveness in ATMP'
- Welcome to the world CCRM Nordic!
- ATMP Sweden newsletter April 2023
- Umeå, world leading in CRISPR/Cas9 ATMP
- Sweden commissions ATMP Innovation Cluster
- Föreningen ATMP Sweden is on it's way!
- Read about the latest trends on ATMP deals and fundraising in Nature Biopharma Dealmakers, written by partner company MSC Nordics!
- hPSC-ATMP, Sweden and beyond
- Ny rapport ger vägledning kring samverkan mellan patienter, vård och forskning
- Synergy in cell therapy development through mutual respect
- Swedish company Xintela trials XSTEM in Australia
- Lägesrapport om ATMP utbildning och framtida kompetensbehov
- ATMP Sweden newsletter April 2022
- Den Visionsdrivna Innovationsmiljön ”ATMP2030” har klivit in i etapp 2
- The Vision-Driven Innovation Milieu “ATMP 2030” has entered its second phase
- ATMP2030 satsar på ATMP-centra vid universitetssjukhusen
- ATMP2030 invests in ATMP centers at university hospitals
- Final report from national strategic project Swelife-ATMP
- Ny rapport om Implementering av avancerade terapier
- Sweden hosts world leaders in hPSC-ATMPs
- Douglas Melton and a 'cure' for type 1 diabetes
- Amniotics joins Vinnova funded ’CAMP’ project
- Sweden commits to ATMP manufacture near the arctic circle
- COVID vaccines drive progress for patients in gene therapy
- Sweden invests in innovation hub for advanced therapies
- From Swedish cellulose to global medical innovation
- New CAMP projects and partners!
- Will autoimmune responses attack our ‘cures’ for patients?
- ATMP Sweden newsletter September 2021
- Robert Langer to present at ATMP Sweden 2021
- Sahlgrenska progresses TILs manufacturing for clinical trials
- ATMP Sweden newsletter June 2021
- Time for a new website!
- Who is NEOGAP?
- Inaugural “ATMP world tour” 2021
- SDP1 permits and standards for cellular ATMPs
- Amniotics AB pioneer in-house ATiMP production
- Launch of the SDP3 report and resources!
- EATRIS launches their ATMP course!
- MAGic Bioprocessing joins CAMP!
- ATMP Sweden baseline report summary
- Italian company VivaBioCell joins CAMP
- NextCell Pharma AB ProTrans-2 clinical trial meets primary endpoint.
- "Double" cell therapy gives new hope to malignant melanoma patients
- ATMP Sweden Newsletter September 2020
- Manufacturing of Gene Therapy Products: A Swedish Perspective
- New Swedish pluripotent cell therapy partnership with Novo Nordisk
- Input welcomed on draft report on health economy and business models for ATMP
- Now is the time for NK cells!
- Swedish MPA warns against unproven cell-based therapies.
- Karolinska awarded Comprehensive Cancer Centre
- GE Healthcare Life Sciences rebrands to 'Cytiva'
- EuropaBio recommendations to support EU ATMP Innovation
- 3MEUR for COVID19 vaccine awarded to KI
- ATMP Sweden newsletter February
- Welcome to the Flemingsberg ATMP network!
- Karin Hoogendoorn on LONZA and Sweden
- Anna Pasetto receives prestigious award to fight cancer with T cells
- BOOSTB4 trial in Osteogenesis Imperfecta is recruiting!
- Jobs: Manufacturing Scientist Cobra Bio
- What's on in 2020!?
- Swedish ATMP newsletter December 2019
- The Swedish government releases their life science strategy
- ATMP awarded Innovation Environment within the ”Vision Driven Health” program
- Cognate Bioservices aquires Cobra Biologics
- Gene therapy reduces Acute Intermittent Porphyria attacks by 79%
- Register before November 15th for ATMP PhD courses!
- Financing ATMPs - Bedside to Reimbursement
- 200 million SEK investment in Swedish gene and immunotherapy production
- Swedish based Ilya Pharma recruiting for first ATMP trial
- Financing ATMPs - Bench to Bedside
- Competence centre in NK cell-based immunotherapies to be formed
- External ATMP Newsletter Midsummer 2019
- Sweden's first GMP line registered in hPSCreg
- Register for our events in finance and partnering!
- World first, Swedish gene therapy for blindness
- Better skin for a better life for burns survivors
- External ATMP Newsletter Spring 2019
- Sweden’s Gene and Cell therapy Industry showcased at ATMP Sweden 2019
- New national planning project
- Melanoma gone following treatment with TILs and DC vaccination.
- Johan Hyllner Head of Cell and Gene Therapy at AZ.
- Who is VOG cell and what are they doing now?
- External ATMP Newsletter Winter 2019
- Cobra focussing on development and manufacture services for ATMPs
- Johan Hyllner on moving back to Sweden
- New Recruit and new Facility – KI Pre-GMP
- External ATMP Newsletter Autumn 2018